Send the result of two queries embedded in the body of the message

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declare @sql varchar(2000)

set @sql = '
SELECT 	CountryRegionName,
		convert(varchar(20),SUM(SalesYTD),1) as TotalSales 
FROM 	sales.vsalesperson 
GROUP BY CountryRegionName;
SELECT 	top 5 StateProvinceName,
		convert(varchar(20),SUM(SalesYTD),1) as TotalSales 
FROM 	sales.vsalesperson 
GROUP BY StateProvinceName;'

exec master..xp_SMTPSendMail80 
	@from = 'Sales<>', 
	@recipient = 'SalesManager<>', 
	@address = 'YourSMTPServer', 
	@subject = 'YTD Sales report', 
	@body = '<p>Sales reports by Country</p><br><br> <<query>><p>Sales reports by State<br><br> <<query>> </p><br><br>This is an automated report so please do not reply to this email address', 
	@qtableattribute='border=0 BGCOLOR="white" CELLSPACING=2 CELLPADDING="0" align=center', 
	@stylesheet = @ss, 
	@query = @sql 

Send a simple informational message

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exec master..xp_SMTPSendMail80   
 'smtp server',
 'Overnight Jobs failed'
exec master..xp_SMTPSendMail80  @recipient = '',  
     @from = '',  
     @address = 'smtp server',  
     @subject = 'Overnight Jobs failed' 

Send an informational mail with body text to multiple recipients with the SQL Server Error log as an attachment

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exec master..xp_SMTPSendMail80  
						 @recipient =  ',', 
						 @from = '', 
						 @address = 'smtp server',   
						 @subject = 'Overnight Jobs successful', 
						 @copy_recipients = '', 
						 @body = 'Attached please find the SQL Server Errorlog', 
						 @attachments = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\LOG\ERRORLOG' 					

Send the result of a query formatted with a style sheet

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declare @ss varchar(2000)

set @ss = 'P { font-size: 14pt;
font-family: arial,helvetica;
background-color : white;
text-align : center;}
table { width: 50%}
th { font-size: 10pt;
font-family : arial,helvetica;
font-style : italic;
color: #329CFF;
background-color: #FFFC6B}
td { font-size: 10pt;
font-family : arial,helvetica;
color : black;
background-color : #EFEFEF;
width : 50%;}'

declare @sql varchar(2000)

set @sql = ' SELECT *
FROM dbo.backuphistory'

exec master..xp_SMTPSendMail80 @from = 'SQLServer<>', 
@recipient = 'DBAs<>', 
@address = 'YourSMTPServer', 
@subject = 'Backup Report', 
@body = '<p>The following backups have completed</p>', 
@qtableattribute='border=1 CELLSPACING=2 CELLPADDING="5" align=center', 
@qtablecaption = '',
@stylesheet = @ss, 
@query = @sql